Posted by: dacalu | 25 July 2014


Between Seattle and Toronto

the airplane window


to show me

the space between.


Traveling mercies –

the innkeeper with room,

the roadside attractor,

the roses –

call me away from myself


One perfect moment of peace,

neither here nor there

but in the meantime,

the mean time,

whose value comes from averages.


I try to sum my life

with variable delights,

summaries and maximums

that protect me

from the moments themselves.


The sheer mass

scares me –

the weight of moments

pulling me

into reality.



a thousand thousand

pieces of my soul


in moments.


But wrapt in aluminum

and engineering

how can I know

what passes beneath –

what passes within?


It’s ironic

that the plane

keeps me

on the surface

of things.


[24 July 2014]

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